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Friday, February 27, 2009

Old Is As Old Does

A couple days ago, as is unual, I gave 81 year old Don a ride to the AA meeting. Don may only be 81 but he hears like he’s at least 99. We’re going along having a conversation about two totally different things.
Sometimes I ask him if he can hear me.
“Yeah, I can hear ya,” he says, “I just can’t understand ya.”
I just shake my head. What can ya do?

I've been asked to chair the Lakeside Milam Treatment Center AA meeting tonight. I love the atmosphere at treatment centers. Even though some of the folks are still going through withdrawels, everybody's so optimistic about their chances to live a better life once they get back home.

Well then why do so few treatment center alumni stay sober once they get out of treatment? Because very few are willing to do the work to stay sober. Treatment centers give patients the tools to stay sober, but very few patients use the tools their given with the honesty and integrity that's required. And as everybody knows....... If nothing changes, nothing changes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like with disabilities. If we don't do things to help us to improve or even to function, nothing changes. For one small thing, those of us who easily forget things, it's very beneficial to write yourself reminder notes. That REALLY helps!