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United States
Founder President,.....................................www.winnersdontquit.org----------Winners Don't Quit Association

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

As I Understand Acceptance...4b

In my previous post or two, I established that I think helping others is one of many steps we can take along the path leading from feeling discontent to feeling content. A huge step in the journey toward contentment, possibly the biggest, is acceptance.

Acceptance is the key to solving all my problems. When I'm discontent, it's because I find some person, place, thing or situation unacceptable. The only way for me to change from being discontent to being content is to change the only thing I have control of, my thinking. If I change my thinking and realize the following four things, I have peace like it's Sunday morning and I'm smelling coffee and pancakes.

  1. Everybody doesn't believe in God. That's fine. Why should I let their lack of faith deprive me of my faith? To me, there is a God who cares about my life.
  2. My life is easier if I turn it over to God.
  3. Absolutely nothing happens that surprises God or leaves him flabbergasted.
  4. God is on my side.


Anonymous said...

Well said, Al.

Anonymous said...

Yes, having that acceptance is very crucial to our journey. Thanks Al!