In my previous post or two, I established that I think helping others is one of many steps we can take along the path leading from feeling discontent to feeling content. A huge step in the journey toward contentment, possibly the biggest, is acceptance.
Acceptance is the key to solving all my problems. When I'm discontent, it's because I find some person, place, thing or situation unacceptable. The only way for me to change from being discontent to being content is to change the only thing I have control of, my thinking. If I change my thinking and realize the following four things, I have peace like it's Sunday morning and I'm smelling coffee and pancakes.
- Everybody doesn't believe in God. That's fine. Why should I let their lack of faith deprive me of my faith? To me, there is a God who cares about my life.
- My life is easier if I turn it over to God.
- Absolutely nothing happens that surprises God or leaves him flabbergasted.
- God is on my side.
Well said, Al.
Yes, having that acceptance is very crucial to our journey. Thanks Al!
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